It all changed when Jesus showed up.

  • Jesus showed up and made a statement.


Saturday, March 7, 2015

Angel Reading 03/07/2015

We always begin with a blessing, a prayer, and opening to these readings. I like that. I like bringing about that certain feeling, that certain individual space. My life has changed dramatically this past year. And I am telling you, it is going to continue to change, continue to grow. I am making something of this life. I am so thankful for people like Jolynne, who open up to a higher life, who share insight, info and guidance so openly. Its not free, no, but it is not the thousands of dollars that other people charge. Those of us who have been in the lower pits of life could of never changed our lives at that cost. No, this is do-able. Okay, with that said, let's dive in to what this reading was all about: My Angel has a friend with her today, my Angel has been by my side for such a long time. I absolutely am thankful for her, I have so much love and appreciation for her. Anyway, her friend Angel is of a different rank, not that one is better than another, but it helps put things into perspective with people, to understand job positions and titles. This new Angel on the scene is about to shake things up for me. She says 2015 is literally my champagne year. LITERALLY. So, what is the first thought there? Wine bottles, champagne bottles, wine glasses. I am hearing that, and I like what it sounds like. But what does it mean? Continuing on, Jolynne states that SO MUCH is going to happen to me, (in a good way) that I am going to request an emergency reading, a life coaching session with her, so many decisions I am going to be making and I ask for higher, positive direction. OH I REALLY LIKE THE SOUND OF THAT. There is something cool about this angel, she wears stars on her head, pointing to the sky going from star to star to star to star. This was different. Jolynne asked for clarification from her. Oh the beauty of it. What I gather is its like this, one happening in my life is going to be like "stardom" to me, amazing, awesome. And am going to move onward each to a new awesomeness, each to another stardom. This is beautiful. Like popcorn she says. You wait, you wait and wait. slowly heated one thing POPS and then another POPS and then before you know it, you got corn popping in a jiffy bag balloon. Its all coming atcha! The thought about this is, I know I will feel awesome, and a bit overwhelmed by it, and go running immediately to Jolynne to make some good, solid, sound decisions. I thank you Angels for your work in my life. I so thank you. She sees me toasting, literally with champagne. This theme is CHAMPAGNE. So, I am holding onto that. I am like ... whoa! Let's rock this! I was given some info regarding my next business adventures that I decided to keep *hush*hush* for now. It is something that I am choosing to let simmer awhile, all the while working out the details. My romantic life has shifted as well, I am okay with that though. My original mr. amazing has been removed from the options. It almost happened you know. I felt it, I knew it, but... it has changed. He isn't where he could be, he isn't stable as he could be, he isn't doing "the work" ... it is a bittersweet happening. Knowing you almost had it. The angels say they couldn't allow that in my life. Couldn't put me in that. I am thankful to them. Thankful for looking out, and sending in someone different. someone more suited. A spiritual man at that :) My dad isn't here any more either. I am okay with that as well. He is in a whole 'nother place, WITH his DAD. I can understand. I can relate. I am happy for him. See, I understand, over there is much different than it is here. and over there is beautiful, is the utopia I always dream of. I know one day, it will be my dad coming to escort me there. Until that time, I have a beautiful full life to lead here. My up coming Mr. Amazing is fitting the bill to exactly what I have asked for. He is a little thick, he has some nice trimmed facial hair, he is a blue jean and work boots kinda guy. His children are grown, he has been previously married and now a bit skittish to marry again. He carries a spiritual air/ vibe around him. We will first see each other (......) that my readers, is personal. I want to keep that at a distance, so when I do see him. When I do meet him, I will be able to share THEN. He is a traditional, kind of man... a man that will one day bring me a promise ring, who will one day have the discussion of more than any promise ring, of a beautiful dress, a beautiful life, the romantic person I am, cuz I need that. I have been holding out for that. I am me ~ a different life, a different person, different hopes, dreams and desires. Our rainbow ending will come. I am super excited. Super excited for rainbow endings, champagne glasses, beautiful boys that I have, my beautiful daughters .... I have big big big dreams, big hopes, big goals. and they are coming, all of them are certainly coming. And I am running with it! Many thanks to you that read this, to Jolynne for the readings, and most of all for the Angels in our lives, fulfilling hopes, dreams and goals. Thank you God ever so much. Have a beautiful day everyone!

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