It all changed when Jesus showed up.

  • Jesus showed up and made a statement.


Friday, January 30, 2015

Angel Reading 01/30/2015

I had another Angel Reading. WHY? Because I feel when we are aiming for a better path, aiming for a better self, a better direction ~ we should go high up on this. And it's our lives. Its important. Its EXACTLY what I need. So, If your interested in reading, than I suggest you get comfy, cuz I am ready to share. I always pray before our readings. Once I prayed my poor heart out for my dad to appear (which he did) and I've also prayed to hear about my career, my immediate family (when I was back in Indiana) and I have prayed about my young children. ALL this and MORE has come up in each and every reading. THIS time, (ALWAYS the blessing first) NO spirits came to see me. NONE. Which is unusual for me. Each and every time, someone has come. Not this time. This time was serious focus on THIS year. This year is so powerful for me. I have come to accept alot of things in my life. I have accepted hurts and heartaches, I have forgiven the wrongs against me, I have reached ~ grown ~ and healed so many things. The first part of this reading involved what is closest to my heart right now. I have healed, a whole lot. A whole whole lot. But ~ deep in my soul, is a mothers pain. A pain no one should have to bear. It was excruciating to carry, often having to push it aside just to be able to function in our daily life. THIS pain is what is being addressed. I am entering a season of restoration. And I have begged for it, I have cried so many days and sleepless nights for it. "Everything I have missed out on is going to be given back to me" YOU all know. I keep no secrets. I like to share in my life, because it *may* inspire another person ~ to keep holding on. It is no secret I did not raise all my kids. I have several children. It was a horrible time of my life. A tragic time of my life. It tore apart our family. Writing this brings about an abundance of tears. I believe its relief in my heart. Because I have gotten to a point, where I KNOW, that when the Angels speak ~ it IS so. I was so overwhelmed I couldn't speak at first, I tried to ~ but only a gasp come about. Hearing the words ~ THOSE words, that my family is being RESTORED, well, it restored a burning love. A burning hope, longing and unconditional love of a mother. Then we moved forward in this already powerful reading, I have also struggled alot in our lives, financially. I have come away from Cancer, and Depression, and a life on disability benefits ~ is no easy task. Many times I found myself washing out the childrens clothes in the kitchen sink, so they could have clean uniforms for school the next day, Many times I take a tote bag to the grocery store and carry a heavy load home, cuz I need to feed my family. Many times ~ I have begged God, to help me. And help ~ he has sent. I am working hard on building my business. And this business will also be a way for me to help others. Because I WANT to help others, I want to give, and give and give to inspire and uplift and heal OTHERS. I want the mom with cancer to not worry about food in her cabinets, or shoes for her kids. I want the sick mom to feel pretty, and go to the salon, without worrying about the electric being shut off. And I have it deep in my heart to do this. I WILL do this, God has sent an order out to the Angels. I first said to JoLynne Valerie, "I am having a hard time believing this" BECAUSE, for so long, I have struggled. And for so long I have fought. I fought to *try* and keep my kids, I fought to *try* and keep a failing marriage, I fought to *try* and fit in. I was so awestruck by this new revelation ~ that its not that I don't believe it, its more like THANK YOU GOD, and I am the most appreciative, the most honest, the most moral person I can possibly be. And it humbled me so much. It was more of a shock to my system, that it IS COMING, it HAS been ORDERED. And I am so, so, so appreciative and humbled, amazed and awestruck. And finally, we discussed SPRING ~ which is not that far off. So, I am taking a good inventory of the items I already have, making a list of items I can prepare with the supplies I already have, updating and keeping my blog rolling, and come SPRING, I will open my very first craft show/ vendor table. And its going to grow from there. And grow not only in business, but grow deeper in my heart.

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