It all changed when Jesus showed up.

  • Jesus showed up and made a statement.


Thursday, February 28, 2019

02/28/2019 - Principals for our careers.

Applying principals to my career,
ASK = making the calls, ASK for the listing, ASK for the appointment, ASK just ASK.
SEEK = looking, its SEEKing
KNOCK = The dreaded door knocking ... KNOCK and the door will open ...

HI!  My name is Caroline.  {HELLO THERE} 

You all know, KNOW, that I have a RADICAL level of FAITH. If you don't know you should read my BLOG!  ALL OF IT!  

I am doing a NEW THING.  I am doing a NEW RADICAL THING.  I am applying Biblical verses to EVERY portion of my LIFE.  YOU HEARD ME RIGHT.

So I keep THIS sign in my bathroom.  My best North Carolina Friend had gifted one JUST like it to me.  It is one of my very favorites that has rung true before in a radical move I did in the past.

I am not a quiet believer.
I am not a soft spoken person.
I have a sternness about me.  I have a drive about me.  I have a determination and a mindset to be THE BEST VERSION OF MYSELF I CAN POSSIBLY BE.  

Today I was on Facebook, and the person I look up to, I call her my mentor ~ she may not even know she is my mentor, had done what she calls a Prophetic Prayer Call.  yesterday.  Today I catch the replay and EVERY SINGLE WORD spoke to EVERY CELL IN MY SPIRIT.  She mentions the leaking pipes, she mentions other things that detail my crooked lil shack, and then ~ She says There is a lady in REAL ESTATE, my head spun, she says it all began in 2017 and I got CHILLS, she mentioned Atlanta, no I am not there BUT ~ when SHE lived in ATLANTA we had a phone conference in 2016 and SHE told me the Real Estate move I was considering at that time would be for me.  She relayed I would "Beast in Real Estate", she goes on and she says about CREDIT REPAIR, I nearly fainted.  She says at the end about the CAR INSURANCE!  

I am going to send her an email and see if she will allow me to use her link.  If so I will add it HERE, in this space.

So.  Now that I am all excited on today ~ HOW am I going to APPLY biblical versus to my life, my career, my marriage?  Easy peasy.

REAL ESTATE:  Ask, seek, knock ... simple principals the amazing instructors at IGNITE have been saying the past few weeks.  Make the calls, farm your areas, go DOOR KNOCKING!  GASP! The word does NOT return VOID.  So what is the PROMISE of this?  You WILL FIND.  *whoa* there is some heavy revelation.  There is room there for RADICAL FAITH.  Hmmmmm.  So.  WHAT am I going to do about it?  Well, what any RADICAL FAITH FILLED PERSON WOULD DO!  I am getting ready to farm my chosen area(s) I have them designated.  I have them waiting.  I also am making the calls.  My call list may only be 2 or 5 or 10 BUT I am SEEKING more.  I am SEEKING new avenues.  And lastly, I am going door KNOCKing.  Mhhmmm.  For everyone who asks ~ receives, for those who seek ~ they find, for those who knock ~ the door will be opened.  THANK YOU LORD!    

Wrapping up.  It is simple really.  The instructions say to ask, seek, knock.  The results is finding.  That right there is a supernatural, Holy Ghost, God spoken WORD that CANNOT return void.  Period.  

You will see.

Have a beautiful blessed day! 

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